Our Newest About Dotz Video

September 1, 2016 / Dotz Video / 0 Comments /

We have a new series of videos introducing our newest products. Watch our “How To” videos to learn about the Dotz Company products including the dotzCASE™, dotzTAG™, mini dotzTAG™, and StiKidotz™ as well as more about our new and improved perforated dotzBLOK™.

Overview about The Dotz Company

Intro video for STiKidotz

Intro video for dotzCASE

Intro video for dotzTAG and mini dotzTAG

Intro video for dotzCLOK

The Dotz Company youTube Channel

June 25, 2014 / Dotz Video / 0 Comments /

Build Fun with Dotz! We believe in FUN, imagination and creativity! The Dotz Company is about realizing your imagination and building it with Dotz! You can spell your name or say your favorite phrases, build everyday shapes or a cartoon character, and create an abstract design with Dotz. Watch our channel’s “How To” videos to learn how to build your very own artwork on the our Dotz iPhone 5 case, iPad Mini Case, A5 Notebook, and A6 Notebook.

Visit our youTube channel now!

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